I was no longer living in the City by '77, but I still spent a lot of time here, with family a friends. It was a much 'grittier" city than it is today. "Philly" has always had local pride, it didn't need Rocky, but Rocky certainly didn't hurt. The Bicential was a bit of a "bust", and I don't remember anything "fun" about it. Of course, the "Legionaires Disease" didn't do the city any favors. But, the Bellevue Hotel was really the only badly bruised business after that.
Philadelphia is a city of neighborhoods. After college, most young philadelphians would live in the same neighborhood they grew up in. Lots of the neighborhoods that are "trendy" or uspcale now where slums in the 70s. Center City always attracted young folks, and so did Powleton Village and the University City area. Young working stiffs didn't move to Society Hill. Even today, young people don't stray far from home in Philly. I am always surprised to find how many of my grade school class mates still live in our old outh Philly neighborhood. I moved to the Jersey shore right after getting out of the service in the early 70s, and I was an exception to the rule. But I had spent my summers at the shore my whole life.
Disco ruled the world in the late 70s, and Philadelphia had lots of great disco clubs. So did the Cherry Hill area. Philadelphia was to suffer the indignities of the first MOVE seige and the death of officer Ramp befire the 70s ended. It was a tough city, that hid its culture and education from the world, not like today.
Philadelphia in 1977 was Frankk Rizzo's town. The other guys who answered you didn't seem to like him, but his tough mentallity kept Philadelphia from being destroyed like Newark had been. He was a hero to everyone who wanted safe streets (and a good patronage job). I met him when he was still Police Commissioner, and he was one of the most impressive public figures I have ever met.
"Steve from PA" has absolutely now idea what he is talking about with that nursing home fire story, Joe Rizzo helped make the Philadelphia Fire Deaprtment one of the best in the US. The only critcism his subordinates had was that he felt he had to run everything himself. Of course by doing that, he also took responsibility for everything that happened, good or bad. I have known him for years, and he is a fine man. Steve from PA must not have been a very good PFD photographer.
Picture Phladelphia with no buildings taller than Billy Penn on City Hall, lots of public transit lines were still trolley cars (and 'trackless" trollies), Cops still drove in "red cars" in some parts of the city. Market east still had the big name departments stores, Lits and Gimbels, but was becoming seedier by the day.
I don't know of too many books written about the city in that era, that don't have to do with crime. Steven Levi's "The Unicorn's Secret" is great. It does describe a lot about city life, the 'counter culuture' and a good picture of life in the late 70s in general.
This "Black mafia" book is a great crime story, and really gives a great picture of Philly's underworld in the mid 70s.
I miss the Philadelphia of the 1970s. It was tougher, more real and more in your face than the City is today.